Screening compliance for EVERY NEW WORKER on one platform!

Accelerate your screening compliance with Digital Right-to-Work & DBS, Vetting Proofs, E-sign and Automated Referencing.

Every New Worker Screening Compliance On One Platform

Key benefits of Using this platform

self serve platform
Empowers users reducing the need for direct assistance and enhancing efficiency and convenience.
real time
Manage all applicant screening compliance instantly on application with no delay.
End to end process can be handled from one single platform.
cost effective
Delivers desired results or benefits at a reasonable or justifiable cost.
Adapt growth without a significant increase in complexity, infrastructure or workforce.
Document Management
Facilitate efficient and secure handling of information for all parties.
Reduce manual efforts, enhance efficiency, and improve overall user experience.
time saving
Enhance overall productivity by saving time and effort, allowing users to focus on more strategic tasks and core business activities.

KED Application Overview

Vetting, ID & Documents

This module has a comprehensive compliance selection for recruiters covering most types of job specifications.

Required References

Full automation for all applicant referencing. Let technology do your reference chasing.

Forms & Declarations

Create, manage and e-Sign any document with ease.


Vetting, ID & Documents

This module has a comprehensive compliance selection for recruiters covering most types of job specifications.

Required References

Full automation for all applicant referencing. Let technology do your reference chasing.

Forms & Declarations

Don’t leave ked, create, manage and e-Sign any document with ease.

Trusted By

Transform Compliance Screening And Boost Your Efficiency


Our advanced reference checking software automates the verification process, minimizing errors, ensuring style uniformity, and saving time for businesses. Utilizing blockchain technology, our system timestamps references, enhancing credibility and security.


Say goodbye to the hassle of managing various platforms and endless emails. simplifies the entire process – from Right to Work verification to chasing references and documents for signing. With, streamline your workflow effortlessly.

VMS EFFICIENCY FOR RECRUITERS revolutionizes VMS, simplifying personal compliance for recruiters. Experience efficiency with our “PRE-VERIFIED” applicants. Let us demonstrate!

DIGITAL DBS CHECKS REDEFINED redefines DBS checks—digitize and simplify, saving time and reducing administrative burdens. Trust us for basic, standard, or enhanced checks and seamless Right-to-Work verification. Elevate your compliance screening with!

What Our Users Are Saying

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